The festival actually started in 1977 when co-host’s Marv Herzog and Harold Mitas began the Summer Polka Fest, that partnership lasted for nine years. In 1986 Harold Mitas bought Marv Herzog out and ran the Summer Polka Fest one remaining year in Frankenmuth and then moved the festival to the Saginaw Civic Center. In 1987 Mark Janson and Tim Elbers partnered and ran the Frankenmuth Festival of Polkas. In 1988 Mark Janson and Marv Herzog formed the parent corporation RAM Productions, Inc. and thus began the Summer Music Fest. Mark Janson purchased Marv and Teresa Herzog’s shares in RAM Pro-ductions in 2002 soon after Marv was diagnosed with cancer. Marv died December 12, 2002. The Summer Music Fest could not happen each year with-out the financial or in-kind help from its many sponsors, all those who volunteer, and of course all those who at-tend. It is our intent to continue the Summer Music Fest for many years to come. Meals, Sandwiches, Snacks & More! Thanks For Attending See You Next Year! Thank you everyone for the past 32 years, Mark, Val, Tyler and Zachary Janson.
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