It’s time again to make plans for TWO of Frankenmuth’s premier events:
The 2025 Summer Music Fest and Frankenmuth Oktoberfest
The 37th annual Summer Music Fest will run 4 days straight. The nation’s finest polka bands from around the United States will be in Frankenmuth August 6-9,. The Summer Music Fest attracts polka fans from 38 states and many countries in addition to the local attendees. The area motels and camp grounds are filled with people who look forward to visiting Frankenmuth as well as the summer polka and music events.
The 35th annual Frankenmuth Oktoberfest will again feature the best in German entertainment. German food, beverages, and all the decorations make Oktoberfest one of Frankenmuth’s most popular festivals. This event truly celebrates Frankenmuth’s German heritage and grows in popularity each year.
Together the two festivals feature 8 days of the nation’s best entertainers in a family friendly atmosphere, drawing patrons from not only the surrounding area but from nearly every state and many countries. Many area motels are already booked with people who will be making their way to Frankenmuth for these upcoming events. Each year we hear accolades from our many visitors of what a unique experience Frankenmuth and the surrounding area adds to their visit, which keeps bringing them back year after year.
This year, as in previous years, RAM Productions will spend more than $25,000.00 in various advertising forms promoting Frankenmuth, the Summer Music Fest, and Frankenmuth Oktoberfest. While each festival is unique, they both represent the popular Frankenmuth tradition of “FUN” in “FUN TOWN.” You and all the quality businesses around the Frankenmuth area play a key role each year in upholding that treasured tradition.
We are asking for your valued support JUST ONE TIME, and our request includes BOTH EVENTS. There are several sponsorship opportunities available, and we look forward to your company joining us this year.
Please consider one of the following sponsorship levels. Don't miss out on this affordable advertising opportunity, while also supporting two of Frankenmuth’s premier events. One of our representatives will be calling you regarding your choice of sponsorship level. In the interim, if we can provide further information please contact us at 652-3378 or 800-386-3378. I thank you in advance for your support!
Thank you
Mark Janson
for a $5000 contribution you will receive the following package:
Your business receives a half panel ad in either our Summer Music Fest or Oktoberfest brochure.
(Your choice of brochure, on a first come first serve basis)
Your company’s banner hung in the pavilion. (banner provided by your business)
Your company logo placed on sponsor board located at the festival entrance.
Your company logo placed on BOTH festivals’ daily schedules.
Your company logo listed on our web site as a sponsor.
8 tickets to each festival
for a $1200 contribution you will receive the following package:
Your business listed as a sponsor in our brochures.
Your company’s banner hung in the pavilion. (banner provided by your business)
Your company logo placed on sponsor board located at the festival entrance.
Your company logo placed on BOTH festivals’ daily schedules.
Your company logo listed on our web site as a sponsor.
6 tickets to each festival
for a $850.00 contribution you will receive the following package:
Your company logo placed on sponsor board located at the tent entrance.
Your company logo placed on BOTH festivals’ daily schedules.
Your company listed on our web site as a sponsor.
4 tickets to each festival
for a $450.00 contribution you will receive the following package:
Your company name placed on sponsor board located at the tent entrance.
Your company listed on our web site as a sponsor.
2 tickets to each festival
SQUEEZE A LITTLE FUN INTO YOUR LIFE! THAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU! 989-652-3378 Copyright © 2025 Frankenmuth Festivals